Rodrigo Salinas, nuestro Director General de ExCorp Trading comenzo su Carrera de Comercio Internacional trabajando para E.L.M.A. (Empresa de Lineas Maritimas Argentinas) en las oficinas del la iconicas Torres gemelas ,World Trade Centre en la Ciudad de Nueva York

A muy temprana edad, recibio una oferta para trabajar para la Mision de las Naciones Unidas en sus headquarters de Nueva York, donde pudo adquirir importantes experiencias en el area de negociaciones financieras y diplomaticas , dandole la oportunidad de interactuar con gente de negocios de mas de 30 paises diferentes en los 5 idiomas que habla, incluyendo el japones

Rodrigo se traslado a Montreal, Canada,donde completo sus estudios universitarios en Negocios Internacionales

En Canada , Rodrigo se desempeño durante 4 años a cargo del Departamento de Exportaciones del Consulado General de La Republica Argentina y trabajo como nexo entre Companias exportadoras canadienses y de la zona Este de los Estados Unidos, y sus relativos importadores en Argentina

Rodrigo comenzo su propia linea de importacion de productos de cuero desde Argentina a la edad de 20 años y luego se traslada a Australia donde manejo un portafolio de propiedades valuado en 55 Millones USD con inversores de distintas partes del mundo.

Rod, a traves de los años ha sido miembro de innumerables Camaras de Comercio en 4 continentes y ha visitado mas de 50 paises

Luego de haber residido por mas de 30 años en USA, Canada, Australia, China ,Filipinas y Japon,

Rodrigo funda  AUS AGRO en Sud America en  el 2016  y  continua ofreciendo sus servicios de Comercio Exterior en Argentina,Uruguay ,Chile y Peru  , La Compania se dedica principalmente  a la importacion de tecnologia agropecuaria Australiana hacia Latino America bajo el concepto «H.U.M»  Hagalo Ud. Mismo!

Shelly Ye

 China Operations Director

Shelly Ye manages ExCorp Trading operations in China . She has wide experience in all aspects of import and export and all required documentations.

Her Previous position held was as Senior Purchasing Director for Serious Telecom , being the largest Supplier of Electronics in Russia.She was responsible for supplying ,and servicing more than 45 outlets including all aspects of product sourcing and managing the logistics and INCOTERMS documentation both in Chinese and English. She managed to put in place new self produced strategies that still being used at present.

Shelly has also been sourcing many products in China related to Agricultural markets and sourcing products  for many companies in the UK,Australia, New Zealand and Sweden.
Being a native of the famous manufacturing Chinese Province of Guangdong, Shelly has many personal contacts in the manufacturing, and shipping industry that successfully applies to ExCorp Trading.

Hernan Casanova

South American Operation Manager

Born in Argentina, earned a degree in Engineering and then moved to Canada, to complete a Master´s degree. Founded Import Arg in 1985, to import Sporting Goods from Europe and the USA.

In 1990 was named country manager of SITEL, an International Call Back company, based in the USA. During a 4 year period the billing of the country increased 5 fold. After the company was merged with Call NOW. Com, moved to New York as operations manager until 2001. where he managed a team of more than 50 people from 8 different nationalities, and giving customer and technical support in 4 languages. (English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.).

In 2004, back in Argentina, co-founded Global Extent SRL, which is devoted to import machinery for vegetable oil extraction and value adding of soybeans and cereals.

Today GX is the leader in the country in this areas having sold more than 300 oil mills in the country, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay. Chile and Peru. Last years operations amounted to more than 5 million USD.

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